教师 and staff are instructed to contact the Department of 校园 & 公共安全 if a student living in on-campus housing has been missing for more than 24 hours. The College encourages any student or member of the faculty or staff to contact the Department of 校园 & 公共安全 with any concerns about missing students.

The Department of 校园 & 公共安全 investigates missing person reports and will involve or assist local law enforcement agencies in such an investigation as necessary. If an investigation shows the student has been missing for more than 24 hours, the Department of 校园 & 公共安全 or Office of 学生生活 will inform the student's emergency contact or custodial parent or legal guardian.

The College collects from each student during her or his first year the name, phone number and additional information for emergency contacts. Students are asked to keep this information current by contacting the Department of 校园 & 公共安全 or Office of 学生生活 and providing correct, updated contact information for whom to call in the event of an emergency.

If a student has been missing for more than 24 hours and he or she is over the age of 18 and has provided an emergency contact, the Department of 校园 & 公共安全 will inform the student's registered contact. If the student is under 18 years of age, the Department of 校园 & 公共安全 will contact the student's custodial parent or legal guardian. If a student who has been missing for more than 24 hours is over 18 years of age or emancipated and has registered no emergency contact, the Department of 校园 & 公共安全 will inform an appropriate law enforcement agency.

The Missing Persons Policy and Procedure is included in the Student Handbook and emailed to faculty and staff each year.